Connor K. Salm Gymnasium is Receiving a Facelift
April 30, 2021
Many visitors to the halls surrounding Connor K. Salm Gymnasium are aware the Hall of Fame section underwent a makeover a couple of years ago. Now it’s the entire gym’s turn. Fortunate visitors to basketball games during the pandemic may have noticed some recent changes already to Connor K. Salm Gymnasium. As generations of athletes and graduates pass through the walls of Connor K. Salm, technology advances, and the needs of the current athlete and student change. For MCHS athletic director Joe Bronkella, it was time for some much-needed upgrades.
Some of the new technology has been added for ease of use within the gym, such as screens that can be used to project game replays and graduation videos.
The unrenovated gym caused several issues for its occupants and the groups who used it. For example, in the upper level, the bleachers are immobile, which causes a lack of space for sports practice if outside facilities are unavailable.

Joe Bronkella, the athletic director at MCHS, stated, “…the upper level where we have the bleachers that don’t move can cause issues because a lot of other (schools) when it rains you can go onto the upper deck and gym floor to workout.”
However, this is a large project and most likely will not be completed for a while.
MCHS and Bronkella have already completed multiple of these planned renovations. Late last March, the gym floor was redone to improve the court lines; this will make games easier to follow and officiate because the lines were unclear beforehand. Another addition to the court is a prominent Cub head replacing a generic letter M at center court.
Another addition is the new matte lighting fixtures for performances; this has been enormously beneficial to the Madison cheerleaders whose routines and performances take place in the gym during the basketball season.
A few years back, a motorized flag was added, and the men’s and women’s locker rooms were redone completely.
However, ideas are still in the works. Bronkella mentioned the video boards and new bleachers and implementing more marketing to gain money for students another possibility is the creation of a media booth for students to possibly get opportunities to participate in sports broadcasting, which could become a possible career pathway for potential graduates.
The school plans on having all renovations finished and functional by commencement this year in the hopes of having an excellent graduation ceremony for 2021 seniors.
Rita Shearer • Apr 30, 2021 at 1:12 pm
Great news, but how about spending some monies at the Jr. High. The 5th-grade classes have to double up in the gym (45 to 50) students in the gym at the same time! I do understand weather permitting one class will go outside, but we know all about IN weather. When the 5th grade moved to the Jr. High, we were told there was plenty of room!! Not so if classes have to double up! Maybe an activity room!!