MCHS Homecoming Winners Reflect on the Experience

MCHS Fall 2019 Homecoming King Matt Ward and Queen Lyca Bishop

Caroline Kirby, Staff Reporter

Madison Consolidated High School’s annual football homecoming ceremony occurred on October 4, 2019. Matt Ward and Lyca Bishop were elected this year’s king and queen of the autumn season from a homecoming court that included an array of Madison’s finest students from the 2019-2020 senior class. Nominees for fall homecoming king included Matt Ward, Carson Denton, Isaac Boone, Noah Caswell, Elias Hanson, and Bryce Foy and the nominees for fall homecoming queen included Lyca Bishop, Jessie Dyer, Ariel Hall, Lucy Lynch, Kennedy Stidham, and Paige Young.

MCHS 2019 Fall Homecoming candidates. Back row from left: Matt Ward, Noah Caswell, Bryce Fkoy, Tucker Adams, Carson Denton, Isaac Boone Front row from left: Lucy Lynch, Paige Young, Ariel Hall, Kennedy Stidham, Lyca Bishop

The week prior to the event, the senior students of Madison Consolidated High School were given the opportunity to select the nominees among their classmates through an online vote. A few days later, the entire MCHS student body, including ninth through 12th grade, were able to vote on their choice of king and queen, also online. 

The lucky homecoming king and queen winners both had very positive reactions.

“I lowkey screamed when I heard my name over the announcements,” said Bishop, reflecting on finding out she was nominated over the intercom announcement.

Ward said, “Being nominated was incredible and I really appreciate everyone’s nominations and support.”

Ward also had some advice for future candidates.

“Go into homecoming with an open mind, and just take it all in and have a really good time,” said Ward.

Ward’s favorite part of participating in the homecoming court was “hanging with everyone the entire week leading up to homecoming and sharing the experience with all of my buddies.”

Homecoming can be a nerve-wracking experience for some, but Bishop gave some reassuring advice about getting ready for future participants.

“Give yourself time and don’t stress about it. The closest people are a few hundred feet away,” Bishop stated.

Bishop mentioned that her homecoming prep included “. . . the typical glam stuff: makeup, hair, and being nervous.”

Overall, the king and queen were very happy with their experience.

“It felt crazy to have been chosen out of all the other candidates,” stated Ward.

However, Bishop felt that the best part of her night was her big entrance. Bishop’s favorite moment was “riding in the Corvette and being crowned queen. But mostly the Corvette,” Bishop stated.