MCHS Academic Team Wins State Title
Members of the state champion academic Super Bowl team from left: Jalen Wilson, Haniah Kring, Ezra Young, Lydia Goebel, and Coach Emeka Koren
May 17, 2019
Academic Super Bowl is growing immensely at Madison Consolidated High School. MCHS has math, social studies, fine arts, science, and English academic Super Bowl teams. Not only does MCHS have so many different Super Bowl teams, but this year the science academic Super Bowl team won first in the state.
The day of state Haniah Kring, Isaac Hanson, Ezra Young, Jalen Wilson, Lydia Goebel, and Mr. Koren headed up to Purdue for the state competition in the Loeb Playhouse. Kring, Young, and Wilson were up for the first 12 questions. By the twentieth question, they had passed the number one team. After five more consecutive correct answers, the MCHS Academic Super Bowl found themselves the state champions over second place Corydon Central. They received the title of state champion, a banner, and a plaque.
“At the beginning of the year I had no idea what to expect, but by the time we got to state I honestly felt like we could get them all right. We started studying early and never really let up ever,” said Super Bowl Coach Emeka Koren.
“I thought the idea of the academic competition was a fun idea. I knew that most of the people participating were excited to learn and investigate different aspects of science so I felt I would fit in,” said Super Bowl member Isaac Hanson.
Koren said the team studied by reviewing material one section at a time, searching in textbooks and the web.

“So I personally got into academic Super Bowl last year after having mixed success with the Science Olympiad competitions. I hadn’t known about it until (previous coach) Mr. Dewitt told me that he was heading the science team in his APHY (Anatomy and Physiology) class. I really like the subject matter of the competitions because they bring all aspects of science, mainly physics, biology, and chemistry. They were attached to a theme. This year’s theme was ‘The Fertile Cresent’,” member Haniah Kring said.
The Super Bowl team competes in large gyms that consists of a table for each team, with a flip paper counter. Around 25 questions were asked for each topic. At the start of each new topic, you have three people competing, but by the end of the twelfth question, a team has the option to sub in or out two members excluding the captain. Each question is read aloud in total silence with around 300 people in the room. When the answer is announced, cheering and clapping encouraged the teams. The score is indicated by the flip paper counters, the tests are run electronically, and the scores are automatically generated.
“I would totally recommend anyone who’s interested in joining to come and check it out. Practices usually start at least a couple of months before any of the competitions, so there is plenty of time to decided if you really want to participate. The practices are also pretty relaxed until competitions start, so anyone interested is free to hang out with us,” claimed Kring.

“It was certainly gratifying to work with such a dedicated and talented team. I learned a lot about the structure of winning a season. I think if we continue to get good student involvement, we will continue to do well in years to come. Academic teams are something we can do really well as a team if we put our minds to it. I think more kids should get involved. It can be a lot of work studying, but you have your friends there, so it’s fun. Take pride in our school. Do it for Madison,” stated Koren.