New Staff at MCHS Impressed with Atmosphere, Eager to Make a Difference
August 24, 2018
The introduction of new teachers is always a hot topic around schools within the first few weeks of school. Many students are eager to get to know these new faces that are roaming amongst our student body. It is crucial to form a bond between teacher and student, but sometimes the students are to afraid to ask questions. Here are the answers to some crucial questions that may allow for our student body to get to know our amazing staff here at Madison Consolidated High School.
Ms. Zolvinski

Ms. Katherine Zolvinski is the new band director at Madison Consolidated High School. Ms. Zolvinski attended Ball State University and Grand Valley University where she received her bachelors in science and in music education. She previously worked at John Adams High School in South Bend as an Assistant Band director. Ms. Zolvinski currently teaches band (including jazz band and concert band), AP music theory, and Piano at the high school; however, she also co-teaches with Mrs. Emily Cotner at Madison Consolidated Junior High during second period. Ms. Zolvinski’s favorite part about teaching is the students and the administration.
Zolvinski stated, “ I’ve never been in a program or school that the administration has shown so much support for their band program; it’s truly amazing.”
If Ms. Zolvinski had a superpower, she would choose to either fly “because it would be super awesome” or to have supersonic hearing so she can “always tell when students are playing the wrong note or the right one.” Her plans to improve the school this year are to improve the band program as much as possible by creating a sense of community and make band the place to be.
“People just are not into band anymore and there is a lot of potential and talent within the program now,” Zolvinski said.
Mr. Stotts

Mr. Adam Stotts is a new member of the Madison Consolidated English Language Arts department. Mr. Stotts attended Indiana University for four years where he received his bachelor’s in journalism along with attending IU Southeast to receive his teaching certificate. Mr. Stotts previously worked as a student teacher where he also coached basketball along with Humana for two years.
In high school he played basketball for New Albany. Mr. Stotts teaches English Language Arts for ninth and tenth grade along with one period of credit earned. Mr. Stotts is extremely passionate about teaching. His favorite part of his job is the students.
“My mom owned a daycare for about 30 years so I was always around little kids. But I really knew I wanted to teach when I started coaching.” Mr. Stotts said. “I just want to be that teacher that comes in with a good attitude everyday. If the kids want me to dress up in a speedo and do the floss dance I would do it. I will do anything to get the kids excited about learning and being at school.”
Mr. Stotts has a Friday tradition he calls “freestyle Fridays” where he freestyle raps for his students, and he has also been known to wear some pretty crazy socks. Not only is Mr. Stotts extremely passionate about teaching, he also loves to learn new things. He said that if he could take one other teacher’s course he would take Mr. Heitz’s French class so he can be a little more diverse.
If he could meet one person from the past he said, “That is a tough one. Martin Luther King Junior would definitely be high on the list. He was someone who changed the way school systems (operated) and racial segregation in general. So far, Mr. Stotts said all the teachers and staff have been extremely helpful and super friendly. “I also have a lot of great classes with a lot of great students. I am also definitely the best looking teacher.”
Mrs. Arrowood

Mrs. Cortney Arrowood is a new addition to our English Language Arts program. Mrs. Arrowood attended Hanover College where she earned her bachelor’s in English Language Arts and Secondary Education. Mrs. Arrowood previously taught English 9 at Jeffersonville High School for five years. At MCHS, Mrs. Arrowood teaches English 11 and English 12.
The first day of school is always an exciting day for most teachers. Mrs. Arrowood said, “Traditionally, for me, it is like the first day of school when I was in school. I get everything ready the night before, pick out a few outfits before deciding on one, and then I am too excited to sleep.”
Mrs. Arrowood’s favorite part of her job is meeting new students all the time and having the ability to share her love of learning and English. If she could meet one person from the past it would be a tie between William Shakespeare and Jane Austen.
“Their literature was what really affected me the most, so being able to talk to them and ask them questions would be an amazing experience for me.”
Mrs. Arrowood’s favorite part of being a Madison Cub is that “Madison is a lot smaller than Jeffersonville High School, so I already feel like I have gotten to know more people than I ever did at Jeffersonville (even after) being there for five years. Everyone at Madison has been really kind and helpful so far.”
Mrs. Arrowood is also very excited to be in a school where the PBIS system is beginning to be utilized.
“At Jeffersonville High, the PBIS program was a big part of the culture, and I feel like it was a big part of why students wanted to come to school everyday. So I am excited to be able to help with that.”
Mrs. Arrowood would love to have central air in the school so her students can hear her better and her superpower would be her good character just like Captain America.
“A way to kind of connect me to the school is I met my husband Jeff Arrowood while we were both attending Hanover College and that is why I decided to stay here in Madison.”
Mrs. Oliver

Mrs. Hannah Oliver is a new member of the AVID program, English Language Arts program, and she also teaches AP Seminar. Mrs. Oliver went to IU Southeast to receive her undergraduate and graduate degree. She previously worked at Ivy Tech Community College and taught Speaking and Interpersonal Communications and Public Communications. She also worked at Hanover College for a year teaching Interpersonal Communications, Public Communication, and Intro to Communication while owning her own business, The Sweeter Life, for two years storefront and five all together.
Getting used to technology is going to be a struggle for her this year because she is not used to Google yet. Mrs. Oliver would like to implement a little bit of a dress code this year.
“I think I do see some things in the classroom that I should not. I would not make it very strict but I would like for a little bit of a dress code to be enforced.”
Getting to know her students is very important to Mrs. Oliver. Due to her working at colleges for so many years, she was used to her students coming in and out all the time and never got the chance to get to know them.
“I love to get to know my students and having the same students everyday helps with that a lot. I love attending their sports, plays, etc.”
Mrs. Oliver is very passionate about college readiness and wants to make sure all her students are prepared for the college lifestyle.
“My focus is getting students to realize how important it is to be ready. I was on the other side watching incoming college freshmen come in and be totally lost; it is great to be in a position that I can be proactive and help students prepare now,” she said.
Mrs. Oliver graduated from Madison Consolidated and is happy to be back and able to support the Madison Cubs from a different viewpoint.
MCHS is excited that these wonderful people are here to teach our student body important lessons for the future and helping to further the education of our students.