Imel and Bennett win Homecoming Crowns
Basketball homecoming queen Hannah Imel and king Gabe Bennett
January 26, 2018
The MCHS basketball homecoming ceremony was conducted last Friday January 20th. The students on the court for this year’s coronation were Kylie Stokes, Coley Arvin, Hannah Imel, Will Bruns, Kingsley Hanson, Gabe Bennett, Ainsley Liter, Ian Strouse, Amilia Hall, Dawson Blades, Sydney Bilz, and Dallas Burchfield. All of the couples looked amazing presenting their school. However it was Imel and Bennett taking the queen and king crowns.
“Winning was pretty cool. There were some great people nominated and I was honored just to be aligned with such a great group of people,” Bennett said.
Imel added, “I felt really thankful when they announced my name. I love all my friends, family, peers, and Madison so it was overall a really fun and exciting experience for me that I will remember for the rest of my life. Plus, my mom won homecoming so I was very excited that I was able to be nominated.”

Winter homecoming queen Hannah Imel accepting her gifts
Riley Boone and Gunner Jones, the homecoming king and queen for 2017, came back this season to pass down the crowns and were accompanied by Little Miss Cub DayLee Smith and Little Mr. Cub Noah Meacham Riley
Boone said, “I really enjoyed coming back to pass down the crown because it felt so good to be welcomed and to honor someone else. When I crowned Hannah, I felt excited for her because she was one of my good friends. It felt so good to pass it off to someone who has represented Madison well throughout her four years!”

There were some students on court that had never been part of a homecoming court before.
Newcomer Dawson Blades said, “I was honestly shocked when I found out that I was on court,” says Dawson, “but it means a lot to me that my senior class voted me on the court. I had some butterflies to be honest, being in front of that many people and all of the eyes glowing on me. Once I got out there, I was fine, though.”
Kylie Stokes, also new to being on court saids, “I thought it was pretty cool when I found out. I was excited that I got to dress up and that I didn’t have to cheer for a game. It was a lot of fun because Coley and I just laughed the whole time. We had fun with it. A lot of people take homecoming and prom court so seriously, like its life or death if they don’t win, but I was just there to have a good time and laugh with my escort.”
Hannah Imel and Will Bruns, an actual couple off the court as well, looked adorable walking onto the gym floor together.
Imel said, “It was fun to be on the court with Will. I was happy he was able to escort me out and I was super excited he was able to be on it with me.”
“Being on the court as a couple was pretty special. Walking out with my best friend for homecoming is definitely something I will remember,” Bruns agreed.
The Cubs lost the game to Floyd Central 36-69 and host Silver Creek tonight.

2017-18 Winter Homecoming Court
Front Row (from left): Ainsley Liter, Kingsley Hanson, Dawson Blades, Amilia Hall, Ian Strouse, Will Bruns
Back Row: Sydnee Bilz, Dallas Burchfield, Gabe Bennett, Hannah Imel, Kylie Stokes, and Coley Arvin