MCHS Seniors to Create Public Scares for Senior Project
MCHS Senior Project Little Opal of Horrors Poster
October 25, 2017
Anyone who enjoys the fine arts academy at Madison Consolidated High School and being able to celebrate Halloween in a family-friendly way should head on down to the MCHS auditorium and cafeteria on October 28.
A group of seniors in the fine arts academy of MCHS are completing their senior projects together. They decided to host a haunted auditorium and Disney character meet-and-greet. Students Sydney Randall, Landyn Deckert, and Eli Jones, came up with this idea from last years’ seniors and decided to carry on this tradition.

“The haunted auditorium is basically a haunted house, but… in an auditorium,” says Sydney Randall. “Which is cool because we’re doing a lot of stuff based off of scary movies and musicals, so it fits with the auditorium theme and there’s always something people recognize.”
Fellow members of the fine arts academy will be participating in the haunted auditorium as the spooky characters. Landyn Deckert will be doing the “scary makeup” hours before the auditorium opens to the public.
“I’m shooting for an average of twenty minutes per person. There are about twenty-thirty people scaring, and I’ll have to do all of their makeup. We’re probably gonna be here most of the day taking care of that,” says Deckert.
“There are going to be… creepy characters, but only in the auditorium,” Randall tells us.
For the younger ones and the older ones who do not particularly enjoy being scared, the cafeteria will be a scare-free place.
Jones says, “There are going to be Disney and fairy tale characters. There’s going to be candy, food, games, and fun! Who doesn’t like free food?”
The trio has really worked hard to find people to actively participate, printing out dozens of posters, traveling to convenient places to hang the posters, and just getting the word out in general has taken a lot of the seniors’ time.
Doors will be open from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m., Saturday, October 28th. Admission is free, but donations are greatly appreciated. All proceeds will go to the MCHS fine arts academy. Come support your local seniors and the arts in a night of terror and fun!