Obsession with Diet Could Be Obscure Mental Disorder

Via dailyburn.com

Sadie Miller

Parents have always reminded us to eat our vegetables and fruit, telling us that our growth would be stunted or we couldn’t leave the table unless we ate the green stuff that was on our plate. The adults in our lives have made it clear that eating healthy is the way to go, but is it possible for someone to eat too healthy?

Social media and celebrities have invented a multitude of new diets, “goals,” and tips in our phone screens and magazines. Thousands have opened up talk of pressured eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. These days image has  become a powerful thing with advertisements aglow in every direction. Juicing, vegan, sugar free, and no carb diets have merged into the spotlight, but just because these diets are used by the hottest celebrity does it mean it is truly good for you?

Orthorexia, a disorder that is a little less discussed than others, is based on not just limiting your food intake or organic labels but the overall obsession. This disorder is more common than what nutritionists may actually diagnose. The term can also be misused; it doesn’t apply just to anyone who may be conscious of what they eat. It requires several psychological tests and proof that their food control is, well, out of control.

Via thefullhelping.com

Chris Lee, a graduate of MCHS said, “I think it depends on the type of person. If you do it for the right reasons, to be healthy and feel better about themselves, there is nothing wrong. If they are already paper thin and do it (control their food intake) to lose even more weight, then they are definitely harming themselves…. It’s great to stay healthy, if for the right reasons.”

Social media has no benefit for people, especially teens, searching for the idea of what a healthy body should be like; Photoshopped images are far more commonplace than ever. These photos throw beauty into a narrow category and now there are videos on sites such as YouTube or Instagram showing different dieting, exercising, and contouring techniques to get rid of any flaw that may or may not exist.

Many different companies have begun a conversation about realistic facts and guidelines, rolling the ball towards the idea that taking care of yourself shouldn’t cause such drastic sacrifices. It’s important to be conscious of what you feed yourself but there is no need for dangerous diet altering techniques, medications, or ignorance toward food in general. To take the best care of yourself as possible, listening to your body and mind is the best thing you can.

lev dolgachov
picture of doubting woman with fruits and hamburger